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Aliyun Handset Daily Sales Drop to 15K, 9/28/11

According to data released by Hangzhou-based C2C & B2C e-commerce site Taobao, the Aliyun handset sold 300,000 units per day in the first two days before slowing down to only 15,000 orders per day within four days after launch. According to user feedback, difficulty in using the Aliyun operating system was the main reason for the drop in sales. Aliyun OS does away with the pull-down notification bar found in other Android-based operating systems, meaning that users have to switch back to the application that sent the notification in order to see what it was.

Some users complained that the vaunted Aliyun system was simply a mobile app-based repackaging of existing web services, with each user input or settings change requiring the phone to load a new webpage - meaning considerably higher data charges for mobile users. For 2G network users, performance was particularly slow.

Keywords: Internet e-commerce sales volume Taobao handset wireless B2C Android Aliyun OS mobile OS


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