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Beijing Radio, Film and Television Industry Announces Statistics

Beijing Daily, 12/17/08

Yesterday, at the 3rd China Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo, it was revealed that revenue for the radio, film and television industry in Beijing is expected to reach RMB 7 bln this year, with total assets approaching RMB 30 bln. Industry revenue for 2007 was RMB 6.5 bln.

There are currently 16 radio and television broadcasting agencies in the city of Beijing, with 17 radio stations, and 25 television stations that together account for 105,500 and 104,100 hours of annual radio and television broadcasting time, respectively. As of November 2008, there were a total of 725 registered radio, film and television production companies in the capital.

There are now 3.8 mln cable television subscribers in Beijing, 1.83 mln of whom are digital television subscribers. Beijing-based satellite television coverage reaches 575 mln people nationwide. In addition, 26,000 screens have been installed on mass transit systems such as buses, and subways, and an additional 11,000 televisions have been installed at other locations around the city. 26 large-screen televisions have also been installed at squares in 17 districts and counties around Beijing. There are currently 46 Beijing-based enterprises that hold Online Audio-Visual Broadcasting Licenses.

Keywords: Online Audio-Visual Broadcasting License Beijing revenue satellite statistics television cable TV DTV out-of-home display programming in-vehicle display


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